Back With A Vengeance

After lulling the public into a false sense of security, this Friday the government has leaped back into action, and worse than ever. 

Interestingly, although the new mask mandate was already in effect, I only saw about half of people covering their faces this week and last. Today, however, I was the only person on the bus not wearing a mask and was asked in the library "excuse me, are you able to wear a mask?". This hasn't happened since Track & Trace, when they had people guarding the door.  It's fascinating how people are happy to ignore a mask rule on its own, but when things are kicked up a notch and the powers tighten control in other areas, the fear kicks in over every aspect of their lives. They find themselves complying with one thing because their fear levels were heightened by something else. 

In a strange way, I'm a little bit grateful that they have finally brought in vaccine passports. Even though it's blatantly wrong, it does at least prove that we were right about their plans and it gives us something to actually act against. It is a strike that we can now counter - with even more people behind us as they're seeing how far the government is actually going to go. 

On the other hand, I'm not enjoying it. Being fully surrounded by the complicit is bringing back the feelings of isolation. Being regularly challenged, no matter how easy it is to dismiss, makes me feel defensive. I'm sure plenty of you share these feelings, and I only mention them to remind you that it's a natural response to resisting oppression. A side effect of having a soul. 

I leave you with a few things we can (and will) do: 

- Maskless shopping 

- Protest at Downing Street, 18th December

- Queuing outside vax-only clubs and making them turn us away one by one, and following up with discrimination reports. 

- Disrupting QR sheets with a black dot. 

Stay strong, stick together! We will win. 


  1. considering you have no credibility you might want to atleast try to appeal to ethos


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