We Love You Bob

 It's been a while since I've felt inspired to write my blog. 

Then, two days ago, the one media outlet I still vaguely respected let me down with an outright act of censorship. Artist Bob Moran was handed notice by the Telegraph. The official line is that he "attacked" Dr Rachel Clarke on Twitter "for wearing a mask in public". Naturally, this is not what happened at all. Dr Clarke is a high-profile, influential character who has been championing the oppression of children through lockdown with vile self-satisfaction and pride. Bob's tweet expressed his feeling that people who support the regime so aggressively do indeed deserve the "verbal abuse" that Dr Clarke claimed she had received (although if you ask me, it was probably just one person rolling their eyes and another saying "take your mask off"). 

Bob, as always, is right. They do deserve it. Anyone who sides with a totalitarian government and goes so far as to loudly promote it, is knowingly placing themselves in a position to be publicly opposed and disliked. I'll let the maskies mind their own business. I'll walk past the "thank you NHS" signs. I'll speak respectfully to people who've chosen to take the injection. But the people who actively contribute to this misery? The people who have chosen to fight for restrictions? No sympathy. I have no respect for the self-serving, empty-hearted, malicious creatures who are only just realising that their despicable behaviour is not universally covered by government brainwashing. They've noticed that some people don't worship them and are finding this unacceptable. 

Hopefully, though, this situation can become an advantage. Now that Bob is outside of the restrictions of an employment contract, we might see him take even bolder action. I felt the same leaving my job, a little safer to do what I know is right. Seeing his increased friendship with significant figures Lawrence Fox and James Delingpole has been inspiring and encouraging. I hope the opposition knows that they have now fully unleashed upon themselves a fighter with courage, conviction, soul and wit. It was still grossly unfair, and the responses online have been angry and indignant, as they should be. But they have also been supportive and hopeful and powerful. And if I may attempt to sum them up:

"We love you Bob!"


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