The History of Pfizer

The following images are screenshots of a few google searches I made. Basing my searches off the auto-fill recommendations, it took me less than 10 minutes to discover that Pfizer has a long history of corruption and harm, including illegally testing unapproved drugs on children. And the longer you spend reading through it all, the more cases you uncover. This information was so quick and easy to find, and yet I'll bet anyone who's taken the Pfizer vaccine hasn't found this out. We all know that Pfizer cannot be sued for any harm their vaccine causes - and that made me curious. Have they been sued before? That one tiny spark of curiosity, a few quick google searches, and BAM. Can open, worms EVERYWHERE. 

Nigeria have sued Pfizer for causing extensive damage to children with experimental medication that parents did not consent to. Pfizer claimed they obtained "verbal consent" from the parents, but the parents maintain they were not sufficiently informed on the dangers. As stated in the Nuremburg Code, all participants in any medical trial must provide fully informed consent. Participants in the trial were told that the medication was completely safe - 11 out of the 200 children died, and many of the remaining 181 are reported to have suffered deafness and blindness as well as paralysis and brain damage. 

In 2009, Pfizer received the highest criminal fine in history. It was also the largest healthcare fraud settlement to date. They had promoted a painkiller for uses that the FDA had specifically declined approval for. The drug (Bextra) caused stroke and heart attack problems, as well as multiple types of severe allergic reaction. 

It's not unreasonable to be worried about taking a newly developed vaccine. It's very reasonable to be worried when the company who made it have a significant history of corporate evil. 

Researching the (extensive) criminal history of pharmaceutical companies is actually quite easy - this site, drugwatch, provided very helpful insights. So, I find myself wondering whether the people who don't ask questions are lazy, afraid, closed-minded, or just lacking the cognitive function that prompts intellectual responses, such as curiosity and interest. Is there another explanation? 


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