Back to School

The hot topic this week has been children returning to schools and being required to wear masks and be Covid tested. On the surface of it, having to comply with new conditions in order to be allowed to access education is problematic. Furthermore, if we break these conditions down into their components, the conditions supplied are just plain wrong. 

Let's start with masks. In April 2020, the BBC reported that "The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said there is no evidence to support the use of face masks by the general population" and that "There needs to be clear evidence that wearing masks, along with other measures, will deliver significant enough benefits to take us out of lockdown". I think we can all agree that masks have not delivered significant enough benefits to take us out of lockdown - after all, we are still in it. Moreover, there is serious question regarding the hygiene of masks. As Nigel Utton, Osteopath and former Headteacher, told The Light - "masks merely collect moisture and provide a breeding ground for the bacteria and fungi our lungs are trying to expel". The respiratory system expels moisture all the time, and if that moisture is retained it will only build. Personally, one of the things that prevents me from wearing a mask is because this fact disgusts me or 'grosses me out' to the point of actual panic.

This is what happened went I went to google "masks causing moisture build up". All of these problems caused by one thing - how can they be viewed as hygienic?

In schools, masks could cause other problems. A child told the BBC "masks in class might be distracting and says he fears it could make it hard to concentrate. "I have asthma so it's hard to breathe sometimes,"". It should be down to the parents whether they want their child to be masked, but I have met very few parents who are happy to argue with school 'authority'. Additionally, I have heard from parents whose children are extremely uncomfortable wearing masks but are going to do it anyway because they are afraid of being left out, ostracised, viewed as 'not caring', or told off by teachers. This kind of pressure and intimidation is absolutely unfair and inconsiderate. 

The other new measure introduced is covid testing. Testing is highly invasive and a very unpleasant thing to put children through. In a BBC interview a headteacher said students "have got to have at least one negative test before they go into the classroom". Given that testing is NOT mandatory, and children have every right to decline a test, this is literally an instance of discrimination. Refusing entry to the classroom because of something that is not legally required is discriminatory. In the same interview children have said "The tests, they're not very nice," "It makes your eyes water and it's a horrible thing to do." "it tickles your throat a bit and might make your nose snot up a bit and your eyes water". These comments were all surrounded by parroting of the official narrative - "But it's good to have them to make sure you're safe and that other people are safe." proving that schools are a key component in the enforcement of the approved line. The children also clearly feel helpless to stop this, saying "There's not really much you can do, you just have to try and get used to it." and "you have to do it and it will come as a routine quite soon.". It makes me sad to see the complacency and defencelessness that has been created in children. If there's one thing worse than having to go through this, it's that they're going through it feeling as if there's nothing they can do.


  1. What kind of spineless wimps do these children have as parents? Where would they draw the line at what abuse they are prepared to have inflicted on their children? All those hours I spent checking for and removing headlice because telling children who clearly have them that they can't come to school and give them to everyone else would be discrimination. Yet refusing a test for something there is no evidence they have is reason to discriminate and deny them education!!

    1. Yes it's disgusting. No reason to test anyone who doesn't have symptoms


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